😠goyim ladies self defence. Furry Spice pepper spray and Farb gel
Published on Jun 24, 2021
HUGE shout out to Furry Potato. I've been watcher her videos for many years now and recently she has had to start using spicy spray on a regular basis due to being constantly challenged for public photography. Here is the UK pepper spray is classed as a firearm but there is an alternative called FARB Gel which is 100% UK legal and safe.
Furry Potato Live.... https://www.youtube.com/c/FurryPotatoLive/featured
Furry Industries.... https://www.furryindustries.com/
FARB Gel.... https://www.farbgel.com/
Firearms act 1968 section 5b.... https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/27/section/5
*Useful info for photographers...*
BitChute channel here... https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ADPF5KYbp3Fv/
ACPO Photography Guidance.....
NPCC ACPO Photography Guidance response email
Metropolitan police photography advice...
Section 5 public order act 1986...
Police Code of Practice here... http://www.mediafire.com/file/2vi02erb9xdlb5s/Police_code_of_practice_for_photographers.zip/file
ACPO Guidance on the Use of Handcuffs......
UK photography law...
Section 50 police reform act...
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 section 1...
Terrorism act 2006 section 5 and 2000 section 41...
Section 35 dispersal order...
Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 section 26...
FREE media card template...
FREE cartoon ID card templates
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